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Sunday, November 25, 2007


It's Sunday morning and guess where I'm NOT!!! church!! woo-woo!! Not singing in church this morning has freed me up to meet with a photographer in preparation for my friend Jacob Cooper's electronic opera based on the lives of Britney and Justin.... I'm Britney, naturally...

Jacob's idea is taking segments of Justin and Britney's songs and slowing them down, way down, and re-performing them with live band.... the vocalists are to mimic the mouth movements, consonants, intonation of the slowed down track.. It's pretty sweet.

In my "research" I've had to listen to a lot of Britney, some real time, and a lot slow time, and I came across this video a while ago....Part of why I'm psyched about this project is that it's forcing me to get comfy with setting up effects racks in Ableton Live, a program that I'm slowly getting comfy with. Because we're performing these crazy phrases slowed down, we need a lot of chorus, reverb, and other effects in order to keep the lines moving. So give a listen. Despite the fact that her vocals are completely soaked in effects, she still sucks... auto-tune, anyone? Oh, and I admit, did get a little excited when I thought she was actually playing the piano... and then she stood up to sing, and the piano magically kept right on playing....enjoy.

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