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Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh, hell yeah!!!

There are few things that I enjoy more in this world than watching Tarantino movies... in fact my idea of heaven, (and in fact I did try to recreate this moment on my birthday this year) is a bottle of wine, and watching BOTH of the Kill Bill's while knitting, because what could be more feminine that that.....

Only Tarantino could fall in love with his stuntwoman's talents and create an entire movie based on a crazy stuntman (Kurt Russell) starring a real life stuntwoman as its heroine, and make it work. Well, my girl crush Zoe Bell, from Kill Bill, Xena (a role she landed at the age of 18!) Alias, CatWoman, and most recently the Rodriguez/Tarantino double feature Grindhouse, has just announced that she will have a small role in an upcoming episode of LOST, to air in 2008. Here's a remixed trailer for Deathproof, one of the strongest pieces of feminist cinema out there, Kill Bill style. Here's my girl:

and ladies, on a rainy day if you need a little somethin' somethin' to remind you that you really can kick ass when push comes to shove, feast your eyes on this little beauty... (Spoiler Alert!!!)

Via Variety

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