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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why Feminism is bad for the environment: update

Scene: The morning, pajama clad boy and girl indulging in mutual morning geekiness with their respective laptops.

Boy: What are you reading?
Girl: Why Feminism is bad for the environment
Boy: Oh, totally.
Girl: Really? explain to me...
Boy: Are we gonna fight now?
Girl: Probably, continue
Boy: If more women were home vacuuming, the air would be more pure.
Girl: Wow, can I quote you on that?
Boy: Absolutely. Right now there's dust and soot in the air in my apartment, and that's really bad for me! I guess what I'm trying to say is, go vacuum.

If no one has heard from Matt in a few days, it's because I've murdered him......

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