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Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Female Bunch- Exploitation Film

In 1969 Al Adamson, (I Spit On Your Corpse, Psycho A-Go-Go,Satan's Sadist's) made an exploitation film about "women's lib", and GOD DAMN IT, it's pretty sweet....I LOVE this stuff. Every scare film I've come across has been chock full of swank soundtrack, fab hair and wardrobe choices, and sterotypical quotes you'd imagine cross stitched in Phyllis Schlafly's bathroom.

"Independent women...turning womens lib into a menacing reality......"
and check out the hair!!!

(Also, this was filmed 1969, at the Spahn Ranch in LA, at the same time the Manson family was living, and killing there. )

For more check out TEENAGE MOTHER!!! If you dare!!!!!

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