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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Baskin-Robbins Bump Day 2008

Today is Wednesday, otherwise known as hump day. In my nabe, the only way to beat the hump day blahs is to head over to Carvel, where you can enjoy a 2 for 1 sundae or cone or Carvelanche.... the only catch is that they have to be two of the same items, so if one person in your party wants a crazy mondo Butterfinger Oreo cookie extravaganza, and your mouth is watering for a plain vanilla soft serve cake cone (which haps to be my fav) you're SOL.

What's ironic is that I never even really liked ice cream until I got pregnant.... and now I pretty much need it three times a week, or I start twitching. My preg fav was B&J's Phish food with Barbeque chips crushed up inside, yummers.

 Anywhoo, not only is today hump day it's also Bump day!!! If you're preggers get yourself down to a Baskin-Robbins and get your free cone!! (Not entirely sure if they are requiring an EPT stick, or sonogram copy, but hey, why not put that puke-on-demand talent to work!!)

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