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Monday, January 5, 2009

Can I still be a feminist if I like making pies???

A few months ago I wrote about how my Vag and I would not be makin biscuits....well I have been. And the truth is, I've actually really, really enjoyed it.

Many times the past few months I wanted to throw a RIP sign up on the blog. I was over it. Needed to reconnect with actual living breathing people. I needed to remember what it was like to have a hobby... be patient with my medium of a book, do a puzzle, knit mittens...Remember how I RULE at using elipses....

Now that I have perfected my pie crust, (pizza crust, biscuits, pot roasts, porkchops, roasted vegetables, guacamole...) it's time to return to the sunshine...

So, the question remains, can I still be a feminist if I like making pies?? Well let's most recent Barnes and Noble purchase was the current issues of: BITCH, and The Joys of Roasting, and not the Bob Saget kind...So get ready for more snark, and better pie crust recipes in 09 bitches... I leave you fondly with:

A Quick Melly Link Dump:

Couple Divorces because of severe PMS

Woman Burns off husbands Penis!!!
Vatican blames environmental damage and erectile dysfunction on CONTRACEPTION
That Phantom Maple Syrup Smell is BACK